• Special Committees

    Book Club and ESO (Epsilon Sigma Omicron): Nancy Niedziela
    Dementia Friendly Pewaukee:
    Abby Lorenz
    Financial Review: Sue Goldstone and Pat Gallagher
    –Luncheon Raffles: Fran Holloway and Bezmi Kraniak
    –Fall Party: Christine Howard and Abby Lorenz
    –Spring Party: TBD
    –Bridge Marathon: Nancy Koepp
    Helen F. Mears Art Contest: Eileen Jarosz
    Pam McCollow
    Jean Oswald and Jayne Andree
    Membership Yearbook: Nancy Niedziela
    Nominating: Abby Lorenz and Karen Patrick with Nancy Ackley
    Parliamentary Advisor: Nancy Niedziela
    Liz Unruh and Rose Saad
    Red Cross Blood Drive:
    Mary Dietz
    Scholarship Committee:
    Jean Miller
    Sheepshead Club (lunch w/ women):
    Martha Balfany
    Sheepshead Couples (dinner w/significant other):
    Christine Nevinski
    Christine Krasovich and Carole Brinkman
    Writing Contest:
    Nancy Niedziela

    *Blood Drive Date – February 2025