• Established in 2015 Dementia Friendly Pewaukee has been the GFWC Woman’s Club of Pewaukee’s Signature Project.  With a mission to create a community that accepts, understands, supports and engages persons with dementia, including their families and caregivers, this initiative has created awareness not only to caregivers, but those who know persons with dementia.  Our goal is to engage and support people with dementia and their loved ones.

    Educational seminars have been hosted by Dementia Friendly Pewaukee featuring guest speakers and professionals. Educational training is available for individuals and businesses. Please go to the website, dfpewaukee.org, for more information, or contact AbbyLorenz@wi.rr.com. All are invited to join in the effort to bring awareness and understanding to our community about people with dementia.

    -Abby Lorenz,
    Chair of the Dementia Friendly Pewaukee Committee


    Several Photos from recent activities: